What diet is best for you?
Taking care of one's body should be everyone's topmost priority because good health translates to a good life. However, more often than not, a lot of people tend to think that being proactive about your health is too stressful or too expensive, but it doesn’t have to be!
The first step to having a healthy body is quite common knowledge – eat healthy!
The body system is greatly affected by what we take in, so that is why “Health 101” will teach you that vegetables and fruits will benefit you so much more than processed foods, sugar, and simple carbohydrates. But our modern-day diets and fads cause people to become so confused and question what the right food choices are for them.
I had lunch with a beautiful friend of mine yesterday, our conversation was based around this specific topic of how do we know what diet is best for us? We reflected about how over the past 30+ years of our lives there has been so much conflicting and controversial nutrition information fed to us, and it continues up to this very moment.
Should I eat low fat or high fat? Try Adkins or say yes to quinoa and complex carbs? Go vegan or primal? Is raw vegan best for me, or eat Paleo? Can I eat beans and legumes or are they really “anti-nutrients”? Is Keto right for me and is it sustainable? Do calories count or not? Should I fast or eat every 2 hours?....
These questions just scratch the surface, and I don’t have all the answers.
However, there are 2 things that I do know for sure!
1. We are all uniquely made and what works best for one person is not always best for the next.
2. We must provide our bodies with critical vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids in order to thrive and survive.
My friends at MedAlertHelp.org provided me with an amazing infographic that I want to share with you. This pic will educate you about which foods contain the most life-giving vitamins for your optimal health. It ranges from the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, to the water soluble vitamins B and C.
Vitamins give you stronger bones, build up your red blood cells, reduce your level of bad cholesterol. They also build up your nerves and muscles, supply energy to them, and keep you away from the dentist and optician by giving you strong healthy teeth and incredible eyesight. And all of that is the tip of the iceberg.
The greater news is that you can get vitamins from a number of meals that are quite affordable and easy to obtain. If your diet has been lacking most of this, then it is time to change it.
Regardless of which “diet” you choose, eat whole foods, grown and raised from the earth, not synthetically processed and made in a lab. Always choose organic when possible!
If you would like to take personalizing your diet a step further, consider a SpectraCell MicroNutrient test that measures your white blood cells to indicate exactly what nutrients you are depleted from, borderline on and replenished in.
This amazing blood test can help you decide exactly what foods you should be eating and/or supplements you should be taking to obtain your optimal health!
If you need more help in deciding which diet is best for you to help you achieve your health goals, check out my health consulting and coaching packages.
And don’t forget to check out this amazing infographic and share it with friends and family! https://medalerthelp.org/the-world-of-vitamins-infographic/