Heavy Metal Test - Urine (Vibrant Wellness)
Heavy Metal Test - Urine (Vibrant Wellness)
The Heavy Metals panel tests for exposure to harmful heavy metals and elements such as arsenic, lead, mercury and more. Heavy metals can be found in all regions of the United States and can accumulate in air, soil, drinking and groundwater sources. heavy metals can also be found in the home, in paint, drinking water pipes, in dental and amalgam filling, etc. Those who are immunocompromised, have impaired liver function, or have reduced antioxidants and mineral activity can benefit from this panel. Children may also benefit from this panel as they are at a higher risk of developing heavy metal toxicity.
The test kit will be shipped to your house in 3 to 5 business days, you will complete the urine sample and return the self addressed box to your local FedEx location.
Once your results are received, they will be emailed to you with an interpretation, explanation and recommendation.